Create a Share Playlist to Send Home

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MarcoPolo for Educators makes it easy to share content home with students and caregivers to promote learning and quality conversations outside of the classroom. One way we do this is through our Share home feature, which allows teachers to create collections of videos that can be watched on the MarcoPolo for Families app.

In addition to MarcoPolo's video content, Share Playlists can include Personalized Video Messages CREATED BY YOU! These personalized messages connect you to the home, and children love seeing their teachers outside of the classroom. 

Educators use Share Playists in many creative ways, but some of our favorites include: 

  • Sharing home videos on a topic (e.g. Sharks) that a specific student showed interest in to keep them excited about learning and connect the caregivers to this excitement
  • Sharing our popular Alphabet Art series videos home so children can practice with their caregivers (especially during breaks)
  • Introducing caregivers to videos explored in the classroom (along with conversation starters around those videos) to help them connect with their child

To create a Share Playlist, follow these steps: 

Note: Your families will need to have the app MarcoPolo for Families installed on their devices at home. 

1. When logged into the MarcoPolo for Educators web portal, click "Create Share" on the left side navigation.



2. Give your Share Playlist a Name and Description and click "Confirm." 

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 4.53.53 PM.png


3. Click on the individual tiles to add videos. On click, a popup will appear that allows you to search the MarcoPolo content library. 

4. Once added, click "Continue." You'll see a screen to record a Video Message and now is your time to shine. Click "Create Personalized Video" and follow the instructions to record a video introducing your topic. Don't worry, you can also click "Skip"!

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 4.56.20 PM.png

5. Once you're satisfied with your video, click on the Share icon in the upper right to select the students you want to send your Share Playlist with. 

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 5.00.15 PM.png

6. Click "Done" and that's it. A notification will be sent to child/caregiver devices letting them know you've shared with them. 

FAQs on Shared Playlists

Can I share videos in English and Spanish with students?

You can create a Share Playlist in both the English and Spanish side of the portal, which allows you to customize the viewing experience for your students. Please note that even if a parent has set the default language in their app to be Spanish, the Share Playlist will only play the video in the language which you sent home. 

How do I know if my students are watching the videos I share home?

You can check out reports on Share Playlists in Data Insights inside the MarcoPolo for Educators portal. We are working to enhance this reporting even further in Summer 2024. 

Have additional questions?

Feel free to Send a Message and someone from our team will get back to you!


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