Create a Playlist

Playlists are a powerful way to organize groups videos inside the MarcoPolo for Educators portal. With Playlists, you can quickly reference videos with the click of a button. 

Some popular types of playlists include: 

  • Create a playlist for each day of the week as part of your weekly lesson planning
  • Create a playlist for a specific theme (like "Winter Wonderland") you're teaching

To create a Playlist, follow these steps: 

Note: Please note you can only create Playlists on the desktop or tablet version of MarcoPolo for Educators. You can't create new Playlists on mobile phones, however, you can view Playlists you've already created. 


1. When logged in, click on "Create Playlist" in the left-hand navigation



2. Set a Name and Description for your Playlist and click "Confirm"

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 4.25.02 PM.png

3. Click on the individual tiles to add videos to your Playlist. On click, a popup will appear that allows you to search the MarcoPolo content library. 

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 4.26.10 PM.png

4. Click the + icon in the upper right to add additional videos, or to add a link to a video on a different website such as YouTube or Vimeo. 

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 4.30.44 PM.png

5. Once you've added your videos, you're done! Simply go back to the Homepage and you'll see your Playlist now shows in the left side menu, ready for you to access at any time!


Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 4.31.55 PM.png


FAQs about Playlists

How do I share a Playlist with students and their caregivers to watch at home?

Currently, if you want to share a Playlist home you will need to create something called a "Share" rather than a Playlist. We will be updating this feature coming soon in the fall of 2024. 

Can I create a Playlist with videos in Spanish?

You can create a Playlist using Spanish language videos by toggling to the Spanish version of the MarcoPolo for Educators portal. Once there, any playlists you create on the Spanish side will show on the English side. 

Can I share Playlists with other teachers or team members?

At this time, the Playlists that you create are unique to you and you alone. However, as part of our work in Summer 2024 to update the user experience of Playlists, we will be exploring the ability for you to share Playlists with other educators in your school or organization. 

Have additional questions? Need more help? 

Feel free to Send a Message and someone from our team will get back to you!

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